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Introduction to Culturally Responsive Trauma Informed Practice (CRTIP): FOUNDATIONS

10 May. 2024

AMSANT Social Emotional Wellbeing Team are creating a series of online courses. 

This course is the first in the series. It provides information for CRTIP: Culturally Responsive Trauma Informed Practice. 

The CRTIP series will have four courses. They are designed to be completed in sequence. 

This first course provides information essential to the Foundations of CRTIP.

This course will be suitable for people with the following learning capabilities:
- Understanding Standard English in written form.
- Engaging with material that is written at mid-to-high literacy level.
- Engaging with self-paced learning through a series of modules that take approximately 5 minutes each.

We are aware of people's different learning styles and abilities. We also know that English is not a preferred language for many people. We plan to develop suitable online training content to support diverse needs.

Please note, the course takes approximately 3-4 hours to complete, and can be broken down into short 5-minute sections. We will also be hosting an online webinar on Friday the 10th of May at 10am for our first intake so students can connect with each other about what they have learnt.

Please register here.