Top End
Residing in the Northern Suburbs, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, experiencing or at risk of vulnerability
Self-referral or agency referral
Services Provided
Case management and care planning, Early and brief intervention, Family programs, Information and education, Outreach, Youth
The name Darrandirra, translates to ‘all of us’. In the spirit of inclusion the Darrandirra Centre offers a range of support and well-being activities for all children, youth and families in the Northern Suburbs. Programs and activities are child and family-focused, safe, fun, and sensitive to cultural diversity. We have a ‘no wrong door’ approach. No matter what support you need, or service you are already connected with, we can work together to help you.
Business hours 8:00AM-4:00PM weekdays
Darrandirra accepts self-referrals, referrals from family and community members along with other community services providers and agencies. Referrals can be made by phone, via email (Darrandirra@caaps.org.au) or online (www.caaps.org.au/darrandirra)
Age Range
Shop 27 Malak Shopping Centre, Malak